Nic's Journal (in Off-topic)

SimplyNic March 9 2011 6:33 PM EST

Nic's Journal, entry date 3/9/2011.

Went to an arcade Sunday with the family, saw a punching bag game that cost 50 cents for 2 punches. The harder you hit it the more points you got. Tried to break the record (9254). Closest I got was 9224... Best $15 I've ever spent.

Demigod March 9 2011 6:41 PM EST

Went to an arcade

Unless this was at a bowling alley, where do arcades still exist?

Unappreciated Misnomer March 9 2011 6:43 PM EST

they exist in china town in NYC

QBOddBird March 9 2011 6:45 PM EST

I haven't been to an arcade since December, perhaps they don't exist anymore

but then Nic says they do

who do i believe

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 9 2011 6:57 PM EST

Done that game multiple times it's at my favorite pool hall.

It's not exactly how strong you are it's how you punch it.
went over 9400 many many times.

AdminTal Destra March 9 2011 7:41 PM EST

i've broken 3 of those machines, on the first hit... never did receive a score lol
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