sb forging (in Services)

alisa [The Forgehood] March 13 2011 10:01 AM EDT

A Helm of Durin

Started - 5,701,188
Ended - 24,036,457

@ 72% = 13,201,393

A Pair of Displacement Boots

Started - 78,962,490
Ended - 81,018,615

@ 72% - 1,480,410

Total - 14,681,803

alisa [The Forgehood] March 13 2011 10:02 AM EDT

opps.. forgot to add.. these are lostling's..

checker checker checker checker checker checker

alisa [The Forgehood] March 13 2011 1:44 PM EDT

paid.. n forging a new item

Lostling @ 72%

An Adamantite Cuirass [40] (+80) 9,063,519 to +93
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