Cool Singularity PDFs (in Off-topic)

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] March 23 2011 3:28 PM EDT

I came across these PDFs in my AI class, they are some very interesting reads. For those of you who aren't familiar with the idea of Singularity, you may want to start here .

Who's who in Singularity

Waiting for the Rapture

Unassuming Singularity

The Conscious Conundrum

Singularity Index

Singular Simplicity

Signs of the Singularity

Can Machines be Conscious

Economics of the Singularity

Reverse Engineering the Brain

Rupturing the Nanotech Rapture

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] March 23 2011 3:34 PM EDT

Sorry, missed my favorite one:

I Rodney Brooks, Am a Robot

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] March 23 2011 4:14 PM EDT

Here is an online version of all of them, instead of PDF, and a few additional resources if your interested. This was pointed out by Fex, thanks.
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