Tal/Kat 3 (in Public Record)

IIKlutzyKatII [KlawedBellows] March 30 2011 1:35 PM EDT


Galadriel (Blightning) Varda (Chaotic Endeavors) $2500000 1:29 PM EDT

This brings my debt to 46.6 mil in CBD owed and still 10 mil in forge credit owed... Laterz

IIKlutzyKatII [KlawedBellows] April 3 2011 11:37 PM EDT

Concerning the forging half of this debt Tal has sent over permanently this, I will forge the + on this to pay that part and for anyone that didn't understand that portion of the debt is a total of 10mil forging credit, thus whatever he would owe at 70% is what comes off his debt.. I'll still take other jobs just be doing this whenever I don't have a job or want a break... Laterz

A Mageseeker [5x3000] (+30) NW $26,668,891

AdminTal Destra April 3 2011 11:38 PM EDT

yup, take forever if you want

IIKlutzyKatII [KlawedBellows] April 4 2011 7:35 PM EDT

Galadriel (Blightning) KittehShinobu (Kitteh Goddess) $1600000 7:32 PM EDT

Sent Shin some money Tal owes her... Puts my debt at 45mil CBD owed and 10mil Forge credit owed... Laterz q=-P

IIKlutzyKatII [KlawedBellows] April 30 2011 12:49 AM EDT

Galadriel (Blightning) Tal Destra (Chaotic Endeavors) $2000000 12:27 AM EDT

43mil CBD and still 10mil in forge debt to go.... Laterz q=-P
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