The winner is! (in Off-topic)

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 31 2011 8:30 PM EDT

So the guess my MPR contest I held in February has ended and the closest is Nayab with a guess of 4,225,000.

My final MPR was 4,229,544. Congrats

Ulmo (Demon Team) {WW]Nayab (Alara United) $2000000 8:07 PM EDT

I made my Goal of hitting 6/20 and am satisfied with this run, however I know I could reach higher had I had an optimal start. The first 1-2 months were brutal for missing BA and xp times. I also spent to much money and got stuck with a Minion I less then desired.(I continue to beat him like a read headed step child) I am not completely satisfied with my current set up and plan to make some minor and maybe major changes to it.

Also To maximize my growth I sacrificed my best Tattoo growth by keeping my alt tattoos low,to gain better CB%.I Am fairly happy with the last 3-4 months of this run and may run a better one in the future depending on how this one pans out.

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] March 31 2011 8:50 PM EDT

Nice Run AK.. You can really see it in your graph how well you ran it the last 3-4 months. Do it again you'd probably hit around 5 million mpr :).

Fishead March 31 2011 11:28 PM EDT

Nice job, congrats.

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 1 2011 5:15 AM EDT

Great Job! (I only saw this after i backtracked the 2mil transfer i received XD)

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 1 2011 10:14 PM EDT

Well done, AK!
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