Some suggestions from an old player (in General)

Heavy April 22 2011 11:02 AM EDT

I have played quite a few "web" games. Some of them have good idea's that are used to increase the amount of "active" players.

Maybe cb2 can use a few of those idea's.
General ideas:
1)It would be nice if players login daily.
2)old players should be rewarded for returning to play.
3)It should be fun to play in the clan.
4)tutorial quests so that new player doesn't feel overwhelmed and still keep playing after a day/week.
5)keep the game active (weekly or monthly small updates/events)

some examples
1) Daily login bonus, some game offer better rewards if you login a few days in a row.CB1 used to have a bank where you can collect interest weekly. It does encourage players to come back to collect it(and keep playing). I assume it was removed due to inflation.

2) An email to players that aren't active anymore "Welcome back to Carnage blender, with the Homecoming Package!" . Would you not return if the gift was a Helm of Clearsight or a Morgul-Hammer :D
It is a bit of an exaggeration. But it is an effective tool to encourage old players to keep playing. My mailbox only contains one mail from cb2 "2008 Carnage Blender T-shirt" on feb 2 2009.

3) Those that played Shakes & Fidget should be able to remember the clan battle.It was fun to join and see the result of a close win.
For cb2 i was thinking of strong large newby clan where you(new player) auto join. The leaders are active and give you advice or lent you weapons/armors. They care about the newbies and will try hard that you have a fun and interesting time.

4) I know this game also has a tutorial but I can't remember how good it is. I do know a good tutorial is crucial for new player retention past the first few hours/days.

5) Newsletter/mail that informs the player of new events or items.
for example. "This weekend the exp rate are doubled". "Use this code to get your new item". "your inventory size has been increased".
"a new limited duration item". Only this week item camping is enabled :D

Some other quick general idea's
a)How to keep players coming back?(time based/offline reward)

b)How to promote the game?
classic method was voting game sites(mpogd),post in forums, referrals links, email alerting them that a new round/new server is starting.

New methods for example are facebook,partner ship with big portals, Announcing big events/give aways/reviews on several game sites

Just google "dragoncall give away" I assume it is an effective way to get lots of new and happy users.

I will try to add some ideas/suggestions later. If you also have a simple idea or an "easy" idea to implement. Add it here :)

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