KW / Aruru Loan (in Public Record)

Guardian July 12 2011 6:16 AM EDT

Hey there.

I am helping my clanmate Aruru guiding him things of cb and so on. I am also loaning some of my armor to him.

The deal is if he see he will become inactive or leave the game he send my stuff back.

KnightWarrior (Shinobi Legends) Aruru (Anu) A Helm of Ecthelion ($190158) -- PERM LOAN 6:12 AM EDT
KnightWarrior (Shinobi Legends) Aruru (Anu) An Amulet of Junction ($1495095) -- PERM LOAN 6:12 AM EDT
KnightWarrior (Shinobi Legends) Aruru (Anu) A Pair of Elven Boots ($637603) -- PERM LOAN 6:12 AM EDT
KnightWarrior (Shinobi Legends) Aruru (Anu) A Pair of Elven Gloves ($34769) -- PERM LOAN 6:12 AM EDT
KnightWarrior (Shinobi Legends) Aruru (Anu) A Sling of Death ($88002) Jul 11
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