Minecraft Accomplishment (in Off-topic)

AdminQBVerifex July 28 2011 7:00 PM EDT

A large scale memory roller, which is essentially a read only memory slot that holds 2000 bits. This can be read to trigger other things to happen:


And here it is on my server

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] July 28 2011 7:54 PM EDT

That is just too epically nerdy.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 28 2011 7:58 PM EDT

All hail Verifex, nerd god!

Shadow xEclipse July 28 2011 10:12 PM EDT

How is this game? I saw it and never really paid to try it out. I was looking to buy Total Miner: Forge which is VERY similar, and is a whole lot cheaper. =P

Phoenix [The Forgehood] July 29 2011 1:15 AM EDT

You're deliriously mad yet awesome at the same time.

Demigod July 29 2011 1:26 AM EDT


I didn't realize you made that.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 29 2011 2:47 AM EDT

Total Miner: Forge is a complete rip off the game with a worse interface and graphics. Or at least that is my opinion of it :P

Minecraft is a pretty amazing game and can be highly addicting. I would probably play it more if it would run off my laptop, but it sadly doesn't.

I am not sure how much it is now, but you would be getting the original creation of this game plus access to his continual development of game content. Also, there is a vast number of different mods you could try out for it.

Total Miner: Forge you would probably be left feeling empty and confused as to why people like Minecraft xD.

Shadow xEclipse July 29 2011 3:08 AM EDT

Well, I actually bought Total Miner simply because of the three dollar price tag, and I think it is pretty awesome!! I will definitely pick up MC in the future, but right now I have limited access to my computer.. So I need to get myself a laptop! xD

Quyen July 29 2011 5:18 AM EDT

omg.. and i am the one to go happy because i managed to get a Piston door with 2 buttons working.. ._.

also: MC is now even more exciting and fun, cause of the Aether, a whole new world in MC. Shadow XEclipse: now there are 3 worlds (if you include the Aether mod) and each world can be counted as 1 invidual game if you want to compare it with Total Miner >.>
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