Public Service Animated Gif Collection (in Off-topic)

AdminQBVerifex August 3 2011 4:53 PM EDT

We haven't had one of these in a while, and I just came upon a bunch of animated gifs, so I figured I would share. Here, I'll start:

And finally a video conclusion:

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] August 3 2011 6:54 PM EDT

I like how Ken's fireball becomes a fish that KO's the other guy.

Unappreciated Misnomer August 3 2011 7:51 PM EDT

the video is broken...

im guessing the decoding from ingame to real world causes a suitable best case result. its still super effective though.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] August 3 2011 9:26 PM EDT

I like how Ken's fireball becomes a fish that KO's the other guy.


Quyen August 4 2011 5:23 AM EDT

omg, ken pwns even IRL :|

Demigod August 4 2011 7:25 AM EDT

the video is broken...

I right-clicked on the .gif before realizing I fell for it.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 4 2011 10:11 AM EDT

AdminQBVerifex August 5 2011 6:26 PM EDT

Technically this is not an animated gif, but it's pretty insane and animated:

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] August 5 2011 6:43 PM EDT

You are awesome.

King August 5 2011 8:06 PM EDT

Fex, you just won yourself 1 internet, enjoy it.

King August 8 2011 11:01 PM EDT

Can't let this die yet

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] August 8 2011 11:10 PM EDT

Fex, that was awesome. +1

AdminNightStrike August 9 2011 11:36 AM EDT

Technically this is not an animated gif, but it's pretty insane and animated:

Blocked by websense due to category "Sex".

I mean, it *is* 7chan, afterall.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] August 9 2011 4:17 PM EDT

It was kinda sexy. ;)

But no Teela. :(

I have been informed that the new reboot of Thundercats has 'sexed up' Cheetara. I'm not sure whether to be saddened, or excited! >;)

AdminQBVerifex August 9 2011 5:36 PM EDT

Aww too bad NS. It's not sexy at all, just he-man characters singing 4 Non Blondes - What's Up. And it is hilarious.

King August 9 2011 5:38 PM EDT

I'd be sad about sexualizing a children's cartoon

King August 9 2011 5:47 PM EDT

Also something along the lines of Fex's earlier swf,

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] August 9 2011 7:09 PM EDT

Not a gif, but couldn't resist after finding it. ;)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 9 2011 7:26 PM EDT

Clothes?! heresy!

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] August 9 2011 7:32 PM EDT

That's an elf with too much eyeliner.

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] August 9 2011 9:46 PM EDT

King, that is gold.

AdminTal Destra August 11 2011 9:12 PM EDT

AdminTal Destra August 11 2011 9:22 PM EDT

AdminTal Destra August 13 2011 6:00 PM EDT

King August 13 2011 6:20 PM EDT

AdminTal Destra August 14 2011 1:42 PM EDT

someone[onabreak] August 14 2011 5:31 PM EDT

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 14 2011 5:34 PM EDT

lol imb it's taken off

Is he giving that to America?

AdminTal Destra August 14 2011 6:18 PM EDT

AdminTal Destra August 14 2011 9:16 PM EDT

someone[onabreak] August 15 2011 3:00 AM EDT

AdminTal Destra August 15 2011 9:04 AM EDT

AdminTal Destra August 15 2011 9:13 AM EDT

AdminTal Destra August 15 2011 9:41 AM EDT

AdminTal Destra August 15 2011 9:48 AM EDT

Stare at the black dot in the middle of the pic...

Shadow xEclipse August 15 2011 10:48 AM EDT

That castle one is by far the best so far!

AdminQBVerifex August 15 2011 5:26 PM EDT

More for my pretties:

AdminTal Destra August 15 2011 11:25 PM EDT

Not a gif but funny anyways

AdminNightStrike August 16 2011 11:25 AM EDT

Plane one is best hands down... I couldn't stop laughing, and I'm in a lecture right now :)

I am missing something on the castle...

AdminTal Destra August 16 2011 12:03 PM EDT

the castle is a black and white photo... if you are seeing it in color after then you are doing it right

AdminTal Destra August 16 2011 8:08 PM EDT

AdminTal Destra August 17 2011 1:33 AM EDT

AdminTal Destra August 17 2011 1:42 AM EDT

AdminNightStrike August 17 2011 9:04 AM EDT

the castle is a black and white photo... if you are seeing it in color after then you are doing it right

Yeah, so what am I missing here? Why is this funny?

Shadow xEclipse August 17 2011 9:12 AM EDT

It isn't funny, just kinda cool. =P

AdminTal Destra August 17 2011 10:38 AM EDT

AdminTal Destra August 17 2011 3:11 PM EDT

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] August 18 2011 4:47 AM EDT

This thread is closed to new posts. However, you are welcome to reference it from a new thread; link this with the html <a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=003CuE">Public Service Animated Gif Collection</a>