Rise of the Planet of the Apes (in Off-topic)

Unappreciated Misnomer August 5 2011 8:19 PM EDT

I am just getting back from seeing this movie. Pretty good for a prequel, visually.

Ive never had an altercation with a primate but I know I will never ever say "You dirty stinking ape".

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] August 5 2011 8:42 PM EDT

What would you give it out of 10?

Unappreciated Misnomer August 5 2011 8:48 PM EDT

6/10, only a few elements from this movie help tie in with the originals and the lore. like I said visually very nice for theater viewing, story wise its plausible(like everything Hollywood). None the less a good option for a rainy day if you decided to rent.

Lord Bob August 5 2011 9:30 PM EDT

I'm undecided on this. I'm going to wait for the reviews to come in before I go see it.
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