Selling 15m CB$ to Gohan (in Public Record)

Phaete September 26 2011 10:05 PM EDT

Selling 15m CB$ to Gohan
for 30$ on paypal account
Please acknowledge and monies will be sent.

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] September 26 2011 10:07 PM EDT

Sep 26, 2011 Payment To
Completed Details Payment To ************ -$30.00 USD

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] September 26 2011 10:08 PM EDT

Confirmed, money sent. thanks as always.

Phaete September 26 2011 10:09 PM EDT

Phaete (Garfield II) Gohan (Gohan) $15000000 10:08 PM EDT

also send, thanks for doing business.
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