Gohan/DrkZeraga (in Public Record)

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] October 24 2011 9:58 PM EDT

Selling him an AoL and BoF's for 2.25m total to be paid as soon as he can.

please confirm here

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] October 24 2011 9:59 PM EDT

And since i forgot they are both in rentals for the next 4 days, this will take place then lol.

DrkZeraga October 24 2011 10:02 PM EDT

hey 4 days is plenty of time for me to get the cash ready
cheers :)

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] October 29 2011 2:59 PM EDT

Gohan (Gohan) DrkZeraga (Dungeon Party) An Amulet of Leadership ($404571) -- For 2.25m 2:59 PM EDT

Gohan (Gohan) DrkZeraga (Dungeon Party) A Set of Boots of Fortitude ($507264) -- For 2.25m 2:59 PM EDT

items sent!

DrkZeraga October 30 2011 9:57 PM EDT

DrkZeraga (Dungeon Party) Gohan (Gohan) $2250000 9:56 PM EDT
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