Screw the iPad... (in Off-topic)

QBPit Spawn [Abyssal Specters] November 17 2011 9:37 PM EST

AdminTal Destra November 17 2011 10:01 PM EST

The 40-inch high-definition screen enables unparalleled multi-touch, multi-user experience with a 1080p, 16:9, 1920 x 1080 display.

bigger than the iPad no?

QBPit Spawn [Abyssal Specters] November 17 2011 10:01 PM EST

40 inch screen - its basically a coffee table lol

Joel November 17 2011 11:59 PM EST

Now, if someone makes a handheld computer that folds out into a table like that, then that, I would have to buy!

Lochnivar November 18 2011 2:43 AM EST

... I was kind of glad that the follow-up to that title wasn't:

"There's an App for that!"
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