T-Beck // Go Flames (in Public Record)

T-Beck November 23 2011 2:33 PM EST

I insta upped my tat at 20%. Go Flames even paid the transfer fee ^-^

T-Beck (Arby 'n' The Chief) Go Flames (Demon Team) A Rune of Solitude ($28659454) 2:23 PM EST

T-Beck (Arby 'n' The Chief) Go Flames (Demon Team) $2804692 -- insta up 2:23 PM EST

Go Flames (Demon Team) T-Beck (Hold This) A Rune of Balrog Flame ($42674361) 9:26 AM EST

$42,674,361 - $28,659,454 = $14,023,456 * 0.20 = $2,804,692 rounded up to the nearest dollar.

Thanks Go Flames!

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