Gohan/T-beck (in Public Record)

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] December 10 2011 4:17 PM EST

T-Beck will be purchasing my +13 named AoF for 10m, with 4m down. The other 6 will be on a pay plan.

T-Beck (Arby 'n' The Chief) Gohan (Gohan) $4000000 -- down payment on AoF

Gohan (Gyaxx) T-Beck (Hold This) Reanimated Zombie ($8951792) -- per deal

T-Beck December 10 2011 4:32 PM EST

Agreed. Will post payments as I make them...most likely in million dollar increments.

T-Beck December 12 2011 12:15 AM EST

T-Beck (Arby 'n' The Chief) Gohan (Gohan) $2000000 12:14 AM EST

T-Beck December 16 2011 8:13 PM EST

T-Beck (Arby 'n' The Chief) Gohan (Gohan) $4000000 -- paid in full :) 8:12 PM EST

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] December 16 2011 11:18 PM EST

Thank you sir :)
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