well its been fun x) (in Off-topic)

Presumptious Zoodles December 13 2011 11:48 AM EST

playing carnage blender has been fun, but other then checking in socially and helping guild out with some CP's every once in a while i have no time to game anymore x( so i bid you all sort-of farewell

Demigod December 13 2011 1:49 PM EST

Take care. Drop back in to post in the forums when you get bored.

Quyen December 13 2011 2:44 PM EST

well, Goodbye for now then...

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 14 2011 8:02 PM EST

Come back soon!

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 14 2011 8:36 PM EST

Enjoy having something you're up to! Come by often!

Presumptious Zoodles December 14 2011 8:51 PM EST

haha ill try novice :) thanks

QBOddBird December 15 2011 4:24 PM EST

Come back by and say hi to us sometimes then :)
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