S.O.P.A. and CB (in General)

AdminTal Destra January 8 2012 9:35 AM EST

I, myself, would be willing to go without CB for the duration of the internet blackout that is slated to start on 1/23/12. Any opinions or ideas, put them here.

Is the rest of CB ready and willing to not have CB for the duration?
Is Jon or NS willing to take it offline?

Quyen January 8 2012 9:38 AM EST

... i dont really NEED Cb, but the missed growth... :(

AdminTal Destra January 8 2012 9:39 AM EST

you wouldn't really be missing anything. everyone misses that exp too

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] January 8 2012 10:24 AM EST

Let's go nuclear!

Lord Bob January 8 2012 1:30 PM EST

I'd be fully supportive of this if it happened, but CB is not big enough to make a difference if this were to occur. Most of us as far as I can tell already oppose SOPA anyway, so what would be the impact of a blackout here?

Demigod January 8 2012 6:01 PM EST

Good intention, poor implementation. CB is a microcosm of the web, and anyone running a N*B would be notably hurt.

QBOddBird January 8 2012 8:20 PM EST

Most of us as far as I can tell already oppose SOPA anyway, so what would be the impact of a blackout here?

Exactly. Great idea elsewhere, ineffective and annoying here.

Lord Bob January 8 2012 9:34 PM EST

and anyone running a N*B would be notably hurt.
Then I endorse it!

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] January 9 2012 2:55 AM EST

110% supportive.

iBananco [Blue Army] January 9 2012 3:05 AM EST

Solidarity is good and all, but does anybody on CB even support SOPA?

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 9 2012 5:35 AM EST

I wouldn't mind, as long as my NCB duration was increased by a day.

Otherwise, no thanks. ;)
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