Anyone familiar with the QuiBids auction site? (in Off-topic)

Relic January 25 2012 10:46 AM EST

I have won 4 gift cards from this site already for pennies on the dollar. Check it out.

Demigod January 25 2012 11:01 AM EST

"Bids cost $0.60"

Ah, gambling.

AdminNightStrike January 25 2012 11:17 AM EST

Yes, I've used it a lot. There's tons of like sites, though, that I think are better.

Demigod January 25 2012 11:39 AM EST

Such as?

Waldo January 25 2012 3:02 PM EST

Evidently work agrees with Demi

"The reason the website is being blocked: Gambling"

AdminNightStrike January 25 2012 3:23 PM EST

Demi - google for penny auctions.

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] January 25 2012 6:15 PM EST

You ever win any of the big stuff?

like a new laptop or samsung galaxy tablet? :D

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] January 25 2012 6:21 PM EST

oh.. you have to buy $60 worth of bids before you can even place your first bid. I see how it works.

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 25 2012 6:22 PM EST

Sounds to good to be true.

Lord Bob January 25 2012 7:27 PM EST

I read the site. Looks like a scam to me.

AdminQBVerifex January 25 2012 7:43 PM EST

It's a sweet scam though, I mean think about how many people just throw their money at this company hoping to win.

Lochnivar January 25 2012 7:59 PM EST

If you think that's a scam don't look at the lottery numbers ;-)

Gambling seems about the right description though.

Demigod January 25 2012 8:00 PM EST

I wouldn't call it a scam since it's not like they're not adding fake bids to force users to bid more. It's just that they're taking advantage of how people get into sniping frenzies on Ebay and how people make poor choices with loss avoidance. If you're good at it, you can probably clean house. I have a feeling most people will suck at that type of gambling, which is what it is.

Lochnivar January 25 2012 8:29 PM EST

This would be more appealing if I just commissioned someone who was good a gaming such systems to do the shopping for me... I don't have the time or inclination to do it myself. I've been to casinos... it is not my forte.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] January 25 2012 8:29 PM EST

From what I've seen if you are smart with your bidding you can save a few dollars here and there overall; but most people, like you said, get carried away Demi.

Sickone January 25 2012 9:01 PM EST

In the long run, your average expected return on your money is way below 1:1 for this type of site.
I'd say it takes a bit of skill and some luck just to break even, if you keep at it for a good while.
Expecting to actually get more than your money's worth is quite unrealistic.

ScrObot January 26 2012 3:08 PM EST

These types of sites are goldmines for the operators. You pay for each bid, and then at the end, the winner pays for the item too, so they are making a huge profit on every single item.

Just add this to the list of "if it seems too good to be true..." items. (=

I've read that some of these sites are set up to let you win a few very cheap things easily in the beginning to hook you, then let you loose into the wild where your chances of winning cheap things, or anything at all, is far less.

AdminNightStrike January 26 2012 6:26 PM EST

It's actually a neat concept. Like I said, I've done well with it. It helps to bid on bids - that's a huge cost savings right there.

Relic January 27 2012 6:53 PM EST

I have won 4 or 5 auctions so far. I have won well over the $60 I initially put into it, but I also did not try to win a large item right out of the gate. I have won 2 $50 gift cards for under $5.00 total cost to me. I will wholeheartedly agree that you can get carried away and lose your money really quick if you are not smart about your bidding.
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