Heroes of might and magic 6 (in Off-topic)

QBPit Spawn [Abyssal Specters] February 2 2012 7:20 PM EST

If anyone is looking to buy HoMM 6, I have a coupon code for 50% off @ ubishop (useable up to 5 times.)

Disclaimer: It is a sort of referral card too, so I will get an in-game item.

QBPit Spawn [Abyssal Specters] February 2 2012 7:52 PM EST

*referral code

QBOddBird February 4 2012 3:01 PM EST

I'm truly tempted to get that game, after looking at the screenshots and trailer. I've always loved the HoMM series.

QBPit Spawn [Abyssal Specters] February 4 2012 3:37 PM EST

Its a definite improvement over HoMM 5, no RMG yet though, hoping with an expansion they will add it in.

Sickone February 4 2012 8:45 PM EST

I kinda' stopped caring about the series at the 4th one, which was a disappointment. HoMM 3 + WoG = the best.

QBPit Spawn [Abyssal Specters] February 4 2012 8:55 PM EST

6 is probably the best successor to 3 so far, might want to check it out a little :)

Sickone February 4 2012 8:59 PM EST

Well, "the best sequel to" does not exactly sound like a shining endorsement.
The important question is : is it BETTER than HoMM3 ?
If not, I might as well keep playing that one whenever I get the craving for the series instead.

QBPit Spawn [Abyssal Specters] February 4 2012 9:07 PM EST

I mainly miss the RMG, otherwise I would say its about as good in its own ways, but then I enjoyed 4 too, not as much as 3 or 6, but I liked it in its on ways too :)
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