leaping hump day! (in Off-topic)

Unappreciated Misnomer February 29 2012 5:47 AM EST

Whos birthday is it?

Sickone February 29 2012 7:58 AM EST

There's only a roughly 7% chance that anybody playing CB now might have his or her birthday today.

Demigod February 29 2012 8:07 AM EST

It's my dad's, so thanks for the reminder. He just turned 16. ;)

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] February 29 2012 8:13 AM EST

+2 demi's dad and his first car

Waldo February 29 2012 8:25 AM EST

A very special birthday to my friend Rick...he is is celebrating his 7th birthday today :)

He really hated missing even another b-day back in 2000. He had to go 8 years in-between b-days lol

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 29 2012 9:50 AM EST

Shoot that reminds me that I am forgetting someones birthday but I can't remember.

Fishead February 29 2012 12:52 PM EST

My sister was a c-section on February 28th 1972. My mom did it on purpose because for some reason she didn't want to risk her being a leap year baby.

Happy Birthday to Demi's dad, Waldo's friend, and AK's oops!.
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