Forging (in Services)

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] March 18 2012 12:35 PM EDT

Looking for any job, will do it at 70% as long as its reasonable!

TH3 C0113CT0R March 24 2012 2:41 PM EDT

still looking for a forge job?

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] March 24 2012 5:13 PM EDT

Sure am, what do you need?

TH3 C0113CT0R March 25 2012 9:03 AM EDT

TH3 C0113CT0R (Chaotic Endeavors) Gohan (Gyaxx) A Cloak of the Istari ($213818) -- for foging 9:02 AM EDT
TH3 C0113CT0R (Chaotic Endeavors) Gohan (Gyaxx) A Cornuthaum ($1863550) -- for foging 9:02 AM EDT

CoI to +14, Corn to +9, for now, see how much that costs me, might take the corn to +10

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] April 2 2012 6:02 PM EDT

Start: A Cloak of the Istari [6] (+8) $213,818

End: A Cloak of the Istari [6] (+14) $2,517,894

NW Difference: 2,304,076 @ 70% = 1,612,853.2 owed

Start: A Cornuthaum [0] (+8) $1,863,550

End: A Cornuthaum [0] (+9) $3,370,082

NW Difference: 1,506,532 @ 70% = 1,506,532 Owed

Total Owed = 3,119,385.2

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] April 2 2012 6:04 PM EDT

So i screwed that up, forgot to take 70% of the corn nw.

real numbers!

Start: A Cloak of the Istari [6] (+8) $213,818

End: A Cloak of the Istari [6] (+14) $2,517,894

NW Difference: 2,304,076 @ 70% = 1,612,853.2 owed

Start: A Cornuthaum [0] (+8) $1,863,550

End: A Cornuthaum [0] (+9) $3,370,082

NW Difference: 1,506,532 @ 70% = 1,054,572.4 Owed

Total Owed = 2,667,425.6

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] April 2 2012 6:05 PM EDT

Gohan (Gyaxx) TH3 C0113CT0R (Chaotic Endeavors) A Cloak of the Istari ($2517894) 6:05 PM EDT
Gohan (Gyaxx) TH3 C0113CT0R (Chaotic Endeavors) A Cornuthaum ($3370082) 6:05 PM EDT

and items returned.

TH3 C0113CT0R April 2 2012 7:24 PM EDT

TH3 C0113CT0R (Chaotic Endeavors) Gohan (Gyaxx) $2668000 -- forging 7:23 PM EDT

Paid in full, Let me figure out what I need done next and I'll send it over now :)

TH3 C0113CT0R April 2 2012 7:31 PM EDT

TH3 C0113CT0R (Chaotic Endeavors) Gohan (Gyaxx) An Amulet Of Life ($2713850) -- for foging 7:30 PM EDT
TH3 C0113CT0R (Chaotic Endeavors) Gohan (Gyaxx) A Cloak of the Istari ($2517894) -- for foging 7:30 PM EDT
TH3 C0113CT0R (Chaotic Endeavors) Gohan (Gyaxx) A Cornuthaum ($3370082) -- for foging 7:30 PM EDT

+1 to each, roughly 6.2m NW @ 70% something like 4.3m. You can add the exact numbers when your done :)


TH3 C0113CT0R April 2 2012 7:47 PM EDT

Brain Fart! can't forge the AoF, I have it back. Thanks :P

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] April 11 2012 1:46 PM EDT

Start: A Cornuthaum [0] (+9) $3,370,082

End: A Cornuthaum [0] (+10) 6,107,385

NW Difference: 2,737,303 @ 70% = 1,916,112.1 owed

Item Returned! -

Gohan (Gyaxx) TH3 C0113CT0R (Chaotic Endeavors) A Cornuthaum ($6107385) 1:45 PM EDT

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] April 14 2012 11:55 PM EDT

Start: A Cloak of the Istari [6] (+14) $2,517,894

End: A Cloak of the Istari [6] (+15) $3,808,892

NW Difference: $1,290,998 @ 70% = $903,698.6

Previous debt = $1,916,112.1 + $903,698.6 = $2,819,810.7 Total

Cloak has been returned, thanks for the business :)

TH3 C0113CT0R April 15 2012 12:49 PM EDT

TH3 C0113CT0R (Chaotic Endeavors) Gohan (Gyaxx) $2820000 -- for forging 12:49 PM EDT

TH3 C0113CT0R April 15 2012 12:55 PM EDT

thanks! might have some more work in a few weeks :)

TH3 C0113CT0R April 15 2012 12:58 PM EDT

TH3 C0113CT0R (Chaotic Endeavors) Gohan (Gyaxx) A Shield of Capacity ($97050) -- for forging 12:58 PM EDT

1m nw add please :P

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] April 17 2012 4:10 PM EDT

Start: A Shield of Capacity [0] (+10) $97,050

Finish: A Shield of Capacity [0] (+20) $1,304,885

NW difference: $1,207,835 @ 70% = $845,484.5 owed.

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] April 17 2012 4:11 PM EDT

Gohan (Gyaxx) TH3 C0113CT0R (Chaotic Endeavors) A Shield of Capacity ($1304885) 4:10 PM EDT

And returned! Thanks for the business.

Looking for a new job, currently doing roughly 4-5m nw per week.

TH3 C0113CT0R April 17 2012 5:29 PM EDT

TH3 C0113CT0R (Chaotic Endeavors) Gohan (Gyaxx) $846000 -- for forging 5:28 PM EDT

Great forger guys, give him some work, I'd keep him busy but I'm tapped out for a bit :)

Thanks again gohan!
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