Game of Thrones Season 2 (in General)

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 1 2012 3:09 PM EDT

Starts tonight! I am excited. Anyone else excited?


Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] April 1 2012 3:10 PM EDT

Can. not. wait.

BestNUB April 1 2012 3:16 PM EDT

You can watch all the episodes here:


Quyen April 1 2012 3:50 PM EDT

*has no idea what game of Thrones is*

IPoop April 1 2012 7:23 PM EDT

couldnt wait so went and read all the books at the end of seris 1 on the tv. Watch out game of thrones is coming!

Awesome timing aswell as Spartacus just finished ... i wish the few seris i followed had that sort of timing normally rather than all being on at once

Josh [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 1 2012 7:39 PM EDT

Between HBO and AMC there's almost never a Sunday without a great show to watch.

Super excited for Game of Thrones.

Desperado [Chaotic Serenity] April 1 2012 8:10 PM EDT

the walking dead just ended and i just finished up homeland.

so pumped for this.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] April 1 2012 11:21 PM EDT

the walking dead just ended and i just finished up homeland.

Love Walking Dead.. Homeland was good as well, not sure if was good enough to see season 2 tho.

Game of Thrones, I love it so far (I'm on episode 8), was hoping to catch up before the new season started, but I've been going through a rough patch with the girl I've been seeing, and still dont want to watch without her..
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