Need help with chat on Ubuntu (in Off-topic)

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] June 10 2012 3:20 AM EDT

I'm running the Ubuntu 12.04 OS and chat runs fine, except for the very annoying problem where by using Ctrl C and Ctrl V I can copy and paste from the chat/to the chat, but I can't copy and paste from the chat into anywhere else, say the URL bar. I also can't copy anything out of chat and paste it into chat.

This makes it impossible for me to copy/paste links from chat, I have to manually type them into my URL bar.

I'm currently running the open source version of Java (OpenJDK or something) but I've tried the normal Java and it's the same problem. NS said it was a security feature or something, but had no idea on how to resolve this problem. Any other Linux nerds have any ideas on how to fix this?

AdminQBVerifex June 10 2012 3:44 AM EDT

This might be a bit obscure, but try this:

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] June 10 2012 3:44 AM EDT

Bahaha. Fixed it with Verifex's help.
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