The race to the bottom (in Debates)

Duke July 10 2012 11:43 AM EDT

I did not took the time to dig futhers if there some error mistake in the article after all its the internet.

Duke July 10 2012 11:52 AM EDT

Unappreciated Misnomer July 10 2012 5:15 PM EDT

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] July 10 2012 6:34 PM EDT

They pray for rain. I pray for fire. Mine works because facepalming is the best way to communicate with beings of the Aether. ;)

Sickone July 10 2012 7:08 PM EDT

Well, it makes sense - they're protecting their voter base access :)
I mean, most of the people have to be either uneducated, stupid or heavily indoctrinated to consistently vote Republican (other than the top x%, voting Republican is against one's own interest, but still elections are close).
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