Gohan/EoD (in Public Record)

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] July 11 2012 4:16 PM EDT

Selling EoD my ExBow for 70m. 35m down now and the rest on a pp, and we split xfers.

Bow is sent!

Gohan (Anomander Rake) Eliteofdelete (Epitaph) An Enforcer's Crossbow ($118427754) 4:11 PM EDT

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 11 2012 4:18 PM EDT

Sent money. 35 mill left.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] August 2 2012 11:28 AM EDT

Sent 25 mill, the last 10 mill should be getting to you shortly :]

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] August 2 2012 5:58 PM EDT

It's been a pleasure, thank you sir.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] August 6 2012 9:16 PM EDT

Paid in full. Thanks! :)
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