advice for a non USD spender. is my chance over? (in General)

Catdog July 14 2012 4:14 PM EDT

i've been back a few weeks and racking my brain trying to figure out how to get back in after a long break and cash out. Yes i did not need to cash out you could say hey you blew it you had a shot but lets be honest is that the same logic for a USD spender? i want another chance at getting to the top as i'm healthy now and can burn the BA like a pro again but my NUB is gone was that it? any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Unappreciated Misnomer July 14 2012 4:23 PM EDT

The short answer is yep. But that is my opinion. The only way to get a top tier character is to have a NUB or buy one by what ever means. But you can learn to love playing the game for many reasons like I do. I like to fight and grow, always buying and selling in auctions, camp the store logs, make use of rentals, sell namings/supportership and special items. I dont forge anymore though I used to quite heavily at one time, and I rarely use chat but loving the forums!

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 14 2012 4:46 PM EDT

Run multiple NCBs. You make a lot of CB if you don't buy BA during them. I have never bought any CB or used USD of mine, yet I am doing quite well ;)

KittehShinobu July 14 2012 4:58 PM EDT

^_^ As the gentleman before me has explained... An NCB has the exact same EXP bonus as a NUB, all it lacks is the Money Bonus... so you will be making money like the rest of us ^_^ If you want to make money, either grow a tattoo with the NCB, or make a char about 2.5mil to 3.5 mil MPR, and switch to Forging. There's lots you can do... I just recycle NCB's until I get the strat I want.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 14 2012 5:04 PM EDT

Yeah, running multiple NCBs allows you to experiment with strats and see what you like. It also allows you to build a tattoo and NW in items along with extra cash. So eventually, if your goal is to get to the top, then you can either buy a high MPR character or make a final run using the knowledge and cash you have saved up.

Now your chance for an easy way to the top is over, unless you spend USD.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] July 14 2012 6:26 PM EDT

If I were to switch over to a fighter, I could do pretty good with an NCB, I've forged all my gear up to top NW status. That could be one option before you start an NCB! =)

Haloki July 14 2012 6:51 PM EDT

You might but you definitely don't if you don't even try

Haloki July 14 2012 7:11 PM EDT

And sometimes people are just cool and try to help. From IP To What When Haloki (Iron Man Mark IX) Sienna (RIFT Warriors) An Elven Cloak ($4840) -- a gift 7:07 PM EDT Haloki (Iron Man Mark IX) Sienna (RIFT Warriors) A Buckler of Mandos ($5012) --a gift 7:07 PM .... Their yours not much but go alliance of the serene!

Catdog July 14 2012 8:19 PM EDT

wow much appreciated

Haloki July 14 2012 8:28 PM EDT

As for advice ...... Don't give up !

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] July 14 2012 8:39 PM EDT

I have ran many a top tier char without usd influance. I have chased around the pros and hassled them for years. All you need is to plan ahead and steategize :P you can do it

Sickone July 15 2012 3:07 AM EDT

It's painful and frustrating at times if you choose to not touch USD but it's doable, I've done it.

SuiteStuff [C and S Forgery Lmtd.] July 15 2012 4:06 AM EDT

You don't need money, just real world money accelerates the process, lots of ways to get money just most people lack the patience...even though it doesn't take that long, I try not to use real world cash for virtual currency...and somewhat pride myself not a fellow alliance member I'll be able to forge your gear too to help get you started...just send a chatmail with the gear over and how much free encumbrance space you have and I'll see what I can do.
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