Kitteh/Gohan Private Mewing (in Public Record)

KittehShinobu August 7 2012 11:33 PM EDT

Gohan is gathering 4 items for the Kitteh. Price to be negotiated later once Gohan has secured all 4 items for the payment plan. Each item is to be sent to the loyal kitteh and repayment begins after all the items are in her paws.

Items: Combat Gi, Helm's Gauntets, Shield of Capacity, Amulet of Focus.

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] August 7 2012 11:33 PM EDT

Confirmed, HG's and SoC already sent.

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] August 8 2012 1:59 PM EDT

Gohan (Anomander Rake) KittehShinobu (Kitteh Goddess) A Amulet of Focus ($8951792) -- Clan Agreement 1:54 PM EDT
Gohan (Anomander Rake) KittehShinobu (Kitteh Goddess) A Shield of Capacity ($1304885) -- Clan Agreement Aug 7
Gohan (Anomander Rake) KittehShinobu (Kitteh Goddess) A Pair of Helm's Gauntlets ($2967237) -- Clan Agreement Aug 7

8m for the AoF as its named and supporter item.
65% for the other 2 brings the total to
1304885*.65= 848,175.25--SoC
2967237*.65= 1,928,704.05--HG's
Grand total = 10,776,879.3

The total is on a p/p to be paid off in a reasonable amount of time.

KittehShinobu August 8 2012 5:30 PM EDT

talk about swallowing pills... ^_^ This may take a while...

KittehShinobu August 9 2012 1:00 AM EDT

aaaaaand its gone... ^_^ Yes I just sent the last of the 10 million just now. =3 so payment plan ish over and now I can make some munnies for my kittens.

KittehShinobu August 9 2012 1:01 AM EDT

KittehShinobu (Kitteh Goddess) Gohan (Anomander Rake) $10,000,000 1:01 AM EDT

Just so you can see ish true. ^_^
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