L3G0 / Thug - AoF (in Public Record)

TH3 C0113CT0R October 17 2012 6:58 PM EDT

Selling Thug AoF +11 for 5m.

Send the cash to Chaotic Endeavors.

Where do you want the AoF sent to?

Thug [Sponge] October 17 2012 7:58 PM EDT

Confirming Deal and making payment in full.

Thug (World Peace) TH3 C0113CT0R (Chaotic Endeavors) $5000000 -- 4 AoF +11 7:55 PM EDT

Send to The locker Rm

Thank You

TH3 C0113CT0R October 17 2012 7:58 PM EDT

TH3 C0113CT0R (Chaotic Endeavors) Thug (World Peace) An Amulet of Focus ($2713850) 7:58 PM EDT

Thug (World Peace) TH3 C0113CT0R (Chaotic Endeavors) $5000000 -- 4 AoF +11 7:55 PM EDT

TH3 C0113CT0R October 17 2012 7:59 PM EDT

lol sorry, i sent it to your main character, I thought you forgot to reply so i just sent it.. :p

Thug [Sponge] October 17 2012 8:00 PM EDT

no problem and thank you
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