best anti virus today? (in Off-topic)

Unappreciated Misnomer July 6 2013 12:16 PM EDT

I am in need of one.

Newlin [SeeD] July 6 2013 12:27 PM EDT

On a Windows machine I usually go with Microsoft Security Essentials, it does the job rather well and discreetly plus it is free.

Demigod July 6 2013 5:59 PM EDT

I agree with Newlin. I've switched all of my PCs to MSE. As long as your Windows OS isn't pirated, it's excellent.

Unappreciated Misnomer July 6 2013 6:40 PM EDT

yes thanks guys, i just got a new comp and it has win8. not much of a fan for norton or mcafee. mse is now windows defender for win8, its the same thing minus a scheduler. it came disabled because of the other two that were pre installed.

Newlin recommended start8 to make it easier to use a win8. idk why MS made it such a game to turn off your pc and have no start?

Demigod July 6 2013 9:08 PM EDT

Personally, I don't miss the start button, and right clicking where it used to be is an improvement. However, the start menu (the touch-based landing screen) is just awkward, and shutting down is an annoyance without some modification. But overall, I'm happy with Win8.

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 9 2013 3:12 PM EDT

I use mse. Im not tech savvy or anything but there was a noticeable performance difference switching over from McAfee. And my buddy that recommended it said the same about switching from Norton.
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