ToE: Potential changes (in General)

Newlin [SeeD] July 25 2013 2:00 PM EDT

This appears to be one of the most under-used tattoos, and has been as long as I can remember, and while there have been many suggestions on how to improve it ( I thought we could discuss this again.

The first issue that comes to mind is the method by which Endurance is calculated - on a log graph that quickly tapers off past a 4 or 5 million level tattoo adding worthless PR.

My first thought was to implement a new equation for calculating Endurance as follow:


The only issue here is that any percentage of reduction down low becomes almost meaningless reversing the current problem (which isn't all bad).

Following that I feel the tattoo should keep the current method for calculating Endurance or adopt one that functions nearly identical to the RoBF magical reduction capped at 60%.

This effect is a percentage-based effect, meaning the largest tattoo in the game would reduce magic by about 25% as a RoBF; however, getting to 15% or 20% is relatively common. Unfortunately, it gets pretty hard to go up past that. To get to 30% would require being 6x larger than the largest tattoo.

This still does not solve much of the problems present as it still adds unnecessary PR as the tattoo grows. So, how about a TSA like effect - the minion with the tattoo equipped can regenerate 2.5% of HP up to its max trained HP. For the largest tattoo that would be around 650k a round which may be a little high.

That concludes my current thoughts - adopt an equation for endurance similar to the magic reduction of RoBF capped at 60%, leave the aura and SS effects as they are, and add HP regeneration.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 25 2013 2:06 PM EDT

It might be mildly useful if it would be back to its elderly state of all damage reduction. Even if you up the endurance max cap it still would be mediocre at best. The amount of large EFs and such wouldn't allow it to be very competitive in the upper echelons.

Newlin [SeeD] July 25 2013 2:10 PM EDT

The problem with increasing the max Endurance cap I see is that it becomes far too easy to reach more than 100% physical reduction on each minion.

Did it protect against magic and GA at the percent the RoBF does now?

KevlarCrusader July 25 2013 3:47 PM EDT

Pre-post disclaimer: I am new & have no idea how it used to work nor exactly how the aura part works (is the effect reduced for the non-tat holders? does it stay in effect after the holder dies in battle?) & until this thread didn't even know it added to SS. Also, I am using the ToE as a major part of my strategy.

I have several things I would like to see.

1st: make the reduction effect all types of damage
2nd: drop the SS entirely (as I said I didn't even know it was there & how do you plan for that in training)
3rd: replace SS with a stackable AP of say. 25 making it more viable against the big EFs mentioned earlier
4th: (note I don't really understand all the ins & outs of the calculations) change the calvulations to the largest ToE instead of the largest tattoo. That way the largest ToE would get the 30% mentioned earlier and the others would work towards that mark

again I am new so I may be way off on how this would work but as a ToE user I decided to give my opinion

Newlin [SeeD] July 25 2013 4:20 PM EDT

Let's see how much of this I can successfully explain.

The aura effect of the ToE applies equally to all minions until the very end of the battle, even if the wearer dies. This is percentage is displayed on the post battles stats under your hp/str/dex as a decimal. For example an Endurance effect of .24 is a 24% reduction to physical attacks.

The SS does what the wiki says in that it makes each point of AC from armor 25% more effective at reducing both physical and magic damage. the unique factor of the ToE is that this SS cannot be dispelled as it can when being trained. Also, this SS applies only to the tattoo wearer.

1st: make the reduction effect all types of damage

It seems it used to, you'll have to search the forums or talk to someone who has been around longer than myself.

2nd: drop the SS entirely (as I said I didn't even know it was there & how do you plan for that in training)

I'll admit it probably doesn't help too much (except with high AC + ToE on one minion) but I don't think it is necessary to remove, it needs all the help it can get.

3rd: replace SS with a stackable AP of say. 25 making it more viable against the big EFs mentioned earlier

By 25 AP do you mean reduce the penalties of armor and the bonus SG damage by a further 25%? If so that is a possible addition.

4th: (note I don't really understand all the ins & outs of the calculations) change the calvulations to the largest ToE instead of the largest tattoo. That way the largest ToE would get the 30% mentioned earlier and the others would work towards that mark

Leaving it to a largest tattoo of a certain type could work, however making it the single largest tattoo allows for more stability. If it were based on a specific type that largest tattoo could change in size quite quickly and dramatically, whether this would have a negative effect I do not know.

KevlarCrusader July 25 2013 7:05 PM EDT

Thanks for explaining the aura thing. That makes sense to me.

1: I assumed from elite's post that it used to. Don't know why it was removed tho.

2: OK SS is just a little bonus. No need to remove it

3: Yes, that is exactly what I meant. Make it so with AP trained & a ToE AP could go to .75 meaning a 75% reduction in armor penalties & SG/EF damage available. Very effective counter.

4: I understand the point. Your 24% reduction ToE could change to 12% just because someone else used tha artist. It would be too random.

Overall I think changing the damage reduction to all types & add the AP bonus would make it more viable thru all levels of play but would be nice to hear from sone at the high levels.

Thug [Sponge] July 26 2013 7:44 AM EDT

I like to keep it simple.

Like maybe add a static AC of for example (150), to the wearer only.

By having a tat you lose to AC spots anyway, and no other tat does that.

Give it a bonus against ef, making it the bane to a more specific strat/

I would not want to do to much and make something overpowered.

Newlin [SeeD] July 26 2013 1:12 PM EDT

The addition of AC to Endurance would be redundant in my opinion. Granted they do not stack in a linear fashion but they both have the same effect.
Perhaps the tattoo could impart AC upon the wearer and remove Endurance entirely from the tattoo (and effectively from the game) to simplify things. This AC would be applied on a similar curve as the endurance with a cap of 150 as you said Thug.

I like the idea of a bonus against the EF - taking a bit of what Kevlar said the tattoo could add an AP effect of .25 allowing the creating of heavy tank that is less susceptible to the bonus of SG. The issue here, however, is this nerfs one of AC's few weaknesses.

Another idea off the top of my head is to have it just the same as it is now except add protection against all friendly Fireball Damage.
While we are at it help the FF out and remove backlash from damage dealt by the familiar specifically.

KevlarCrusader July 26 2013 4:47 PM EDT

I agree with the first part, if you want AC then actual armor is better.

As far as the AP, it was my idea so of course I agree.

On the friendly fire reduction, the RoBF already does that for actual FB damage & you can't wear both ToE & FF so that won't help at all.

I really think having it affect all damage & adding an AP boost would make it viable. Yes, it would be very effective vs one other tattoo (EF) but that effect becomes useless against any other tattoos.
In other words, yes it takes away AC weaknesses but at the cost of any other tattoos, familiars, etc

Newlin [SeeD] July 29 2013 1:03 PM EDT

On the friendly fire reduction, the RoBF already does that for actual FB damage & you can't wear both ToE & FF so that won't help at all.

I had meant that the FF would carry that reduction separately from the spell - the trained spell would not protect against backlash but the FF would. This could then be remedied by a ToE that does protect against trained Fireball on a minion. In hindsight it appears complex and unnecessary.

The RoBF does protect against FB backlash but only minimally. Let's say you have a FB spell that does 100k of damage, this then applies a backlash of 1/3 that damage for approximately 33k of damage. According the wiki the RoBF protects against magic by 15% - 20% fairly easily. That 20% reduction applied results in 26.4k of damage to your own minions. It helps some but not much.

I really think having it affect all damage & adding an AP boost would make it viable. Yes, it would be very effective vs one other tattoo (EF) but that effect becomes useless against any other tattoos.
In other words, yes it takes away AC weaknesses but at the cost of any other tattoos, familiars, etc

This could be the best option which essentially returns it to its former state plus AP bonus.
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