EoD/Viole (in Public Record)

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] September 21 2013 4:29 PM EDT

Currently renting him 4 items which I am selling to him for 40 million + transfers.

Will send them permanently once they get back to me.

Viole September 22 2013 9:49 PM EDT

Viole (Ascheriit) Eliteofdelete (The Immortals) $10000000 -- First Payment! 9:48 PM EDT

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] October 16 2013 8:34 PM EDT

Transferred Items. Cost $605,580

Viole October 16 2013 8:39 PM EDT

Viole (Ascheriit) Eliteofdelete (The Immortals) $10000000 Oct 5
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