Drops, BM, and Auctions (in General)

Thug [Sponge] October 7 2013 10:03 AM EDT

When the drops first started I thought it was, and still could be, good for CB. Now, looking at it being gone a while, I believe it is destroying the economy of cb. It has flooded the market with weapons driving down prices for people trying to sell there stuff. If you look in auctions most the time there no shortage of things to buy, sometimes two or three items that are the same.

I also forgot to talk about rentals, it use to a good way to check out how a weapon or armor would work in your strat. You still might try rental for the short term but there is no reason long term. You have the option of some great tournament to check strats and how weapons and equipment work in that strat.

At this point with as many drops, the only thing I think the BM is good for is getting everyone to work together and pushing posts. There is nothing special in the BM that you can not wait for with enuff getting drops, someone will get what you are looking for and drop another item in auctions.

It is my opinion that the drops should be changed to different levels of CB. There are plenty of cash sinks and enuff weapon equipment sinks that I believe it would self correct in a short time.

Just because I want to post something to talk about.
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