Ghost from the past (in General)

DarkCloud October 15 2013 11:52 AM EDT

Ha, so at one point I stopped playing and lost my account information and all that jazz. Then this morning I fought my past self. I recognized the character name and inspected and saw that it was connected to my old email.
pretty weird feeling,
For the record my new strategy is way better!

Don't worry I can't possibly multi as I have no idea of the password and the email no longer exists that its connected too.
also aint nobody got time for that!

Unappreciated Misnomer October 15 2013 2:17 PM EDT

NUB your way to the top old CBer GL!

AdminG Beee October 16 2013 4:33 AM EDT

I think that seeing as it was 2006 when you last used 'Yourdoom' you don't really need to worry about anyone calling you out as a multi :)

SundariZelia [The Knighthood] October 16 2013 7:32 PM EDT

Multi! :) jk, welcome back :)
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