January Drops (in General)

Atomicboy [The Knighthood] January 6 2014 2:04 AM EST

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Chakram [5x11] (+9). Use it well!

anyone get anything earlier?

Achertontus [Sneezels] January 6 2014 5:07 AM EST

Nah I got beer for a present ;)

Atomicboy [The Knighthood] January 14 2014 9:12 AM EST

You find a A Katana [74x1] (+0). Use it well!

Atomicboy [The Knighthood] January 15 2014 3:03 AM EST

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Executioner's Sword [82x4] (+9). Use it well!

Quyen January 17 2014 11:22 AM EST

From: system Sent: 11:22 AM EST
You find a A Rune of Balrog Flame lvl 20. Use it well!

Atomicboy [The Knighthood] January 19 2014 7:47 PM EST

Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Morgul-Hammer [84x1] (+0). Use it well!

Atomicboy [The Knighthood] January 19 2014 7:51 PM EST

Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Katana [74x11] (+1). Use it well!

[Unrivaled]Twist Of Fate [SeeD] January 20 2014 11:57 PM EST

From: system (11:54 PM EST)
Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Helm of Ecthelion [6] (+6). Use it well!

Thraklight Resonance January 21 2014 7:24 AM EST

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Ice Familiar lvl 20. Train it to chill drinks!

Atomicboy [The Knighthood] January 21 2014 1:59 PM EST

Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Cornuthaum [0] (+5). Use it well!

Atomicboy [The Knighthood] January 21 2014 7:54 PM EST

You find a An Amulet of Junction [0] (+10). Use it well!

Thraklight Resonance January 23 2014 9:37 PM EST

From: system (9:35 PM EST)
Varda is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Set of Boots of Fortitude [12] (+7). Use it well!

Achertontus [Sneezels] January 28 2014 4:18 PM EST

Mandos is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Executioner's Sword [82x1] (+0). Use it well!

Thraklight Resonance January 29 2014 5:32 PM EST

From: system Sent: 1:17 PM EST Delivered: 1:21 PM EST
Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Blacksword of Nan Elmoth [92x1] (+0). Use it well!

Atomicboy [The Knighthood] January 29 2014 10:54 PM EST

Ulmo is pleased with your victory and grants you a A Tattoo of Augmentation lvl 20. Use it well!

Quyen February 1 2014 2:55 PM EST

From: system (2:55 PM EST)
Tulkas is pleased with your victory and grants you a An Amulet of Might [0] (+4). Use it well!
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