My Gaming REVOLUTION!!! (in General)

REVOLUTION July 15 2014 6:28 AM EDT

I felt sorry to leave without saying goodbye, so here I am to say it!! If you need a reason, its because I found a NEW browser game called NODIATIS which blows this game out of the water!!! Its everything this game should be, and MORE!!!! Check out my character "Admiralfeces" if you ever go there! I seriously recommend you guys give the game a try! I've been playing that game so hardcore, that I doubt I'll ever stop, too! I've decided to leave my stuff to the person who can answer this bit of trivia: what is the name of the Manhwa that my character is from? PM me your answer and I'll give you a few of my items of my choosing! I have a TON of items, so multiple winners may be chosen! GOOD LUCK!!! Oh, and don't worry about me never coming back, because I just might decide to come back in the faaaaaar future! I'll come back whenever I've forgotten my username and password and just start a new account with the NUB, just like some of those old guys coming back have done! REVOLUTION!!!

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 15 2014 7:48 PM EDT

Played Nodiatis for about a week before I got bored with it. The energy thing was quite limiting and progressing became tedious.

REVOLUTION July 16 2014 5:49 AM EDT

Looks like you didn't learn hardly ANY of the mechanics of Nodiatis' "Rested Time" system! You can increase the amount of rested time that you gain each day by putting points into a certain skill! You can also RAISE the amount that you can store up! The advanced players have 70+ hours of rested time that they can save up and gain probably 3 hours of rested time per day! So, Nodiatis' system is kinda like the opposite of the BA system in this game! The longer you play, the more you can play each day, instead of being able to play less and less like here on CB2! I already have a max of 8 hours of Rested Time and I gain an hour and thirty minutes of rested time each day, and I've only been playing for a month! Your ignorance has been DISPELLED!!! You no longer have that excuse for not playing, so GET TO IT!!!
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