working a lot unfortunatly :( tying up loose ends before the deep freeze sets in again.
one fun project was this though
AdminG Beee
October 24 2015 5:32 PM EDT
Pretty much the same as I was when I first started playing CB nearly 13 years ago. :)
Family, golf, beer, brandy, work, airports and more golf.
PS edyit - that's not a puppy, looks more like a small horse..!
Been fairly busy over my way. I got married a couple of weeks back now, bought a house, and have been replacing flooring and fixtures around the house as needed.
I also got a kitten a week back, cutest little thing. I'll post a picture a bit later.
October 25 2015 12:33 PM EDT
Wow...G Bee still here. It's been 9 yrs since I last played this game.
AdminG Beee
October 27 2015 2:08 PM EDT
Perhaps not quite "here", but definitely lurking and popping in a few days a week.
Unfortunately the days of CB as my browser homepage have long gone... :(
collecting souls, login in but no ba using :/
Working and finally on my capstone course, so I'll be done with my degree this quarter. God that was a slow going degree.
I've been working less for more pay, but my family hit me up for $2200 recently so can't enjoy that. No doubt loaning more now that I'm an uncle. Yes, the baby is that ugly. ;)
QBPixel Sage
October 30 2015 4:44 PM EDT
Been doing my usual UI/UX work at Disney. Loosely following the presidential stuff. Lots of church stuff. Rock climbing. Ran a 12-person 200mi relay.
Like Pixel highly involved in church, work and board game nights with friends. Life is good :)
November 11 2015 11:18 PM EST
The best thing I enjoyed about CB was the old times when rare weapons came out at random in the market and everyone trying to get them. It was the best feeling when you beat everyone to the rare items. When that feature was removed, I lost a little bit of interest in the game.
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