Who still plays this game? (in General)

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 25 2016 5:05 PM EST

Been a few years since I checked into CB, wondering who's still around and if anything has changed....or has this game officially gone kaput. Hi.

Atomicboy [The Knighthood] February 25 2016 5:42 PM EST

We lost a few vets during the server shutdowns a little while back, but we have a bunch of new players and some new life now. Welcome back!

HamBurglar February 25 2016 6:17 PM EST

you've added a temporary stay at home dad to your community lol ;)

Mutinous Lot February 25 2016 7:14 PM EST

word to your mother. (that means hello)

miteke [Superheros] February 25 2016 7:43 PM EST

I'm still around, which surprises me. Call me old faithful.

Redemption [Axis of Evil] February 25 2016 11:30 PM EST

well...i played a long time ago but never really active in forums...been back for a bit

AdminQBVerifex February 26 2016 3:46 AM EST

I come on here just to see whats happening. :)

Adminedyit [Superheros] February 26 2016 6:28 AM EST

always watching...

IndependenZ February 26 2016 9:09 AM EST

Kinda funny, I had the exact same thing. I played for years before finally giving up but today... I don't know... I guess I was curious as well to see what's what.

Seems not much has changed though. Server shut downs?

Redemption [Axis of Evil] February 26 2016 9:59 AM EST

Things would change if any of you guys knew someone who could code in tcl or naviserver? :) Figure I would keep bringing it up...maybe someone will happen to know!

I saw you can pay people for like $10 an hour to code if the community wanted to really do something for changes we could.

AdminTal Destra February 26 2016 7:32 PM EST

I'm a once in 6 months player. I'm here today so see you in 180 days

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] February 28 2016 10:05 PM EST

Doing my annual sign on and make a new character thing. Even tricked the wife into logging into her account.

Cheshire Cat February 28 2016 10:07 PM EST

I think it's been about a year or more since I last logged in but I'm here. I'm the last derp poster's wife. :)
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