Clarification on Displacement Boots (in General)

HamBurglar August 25 2016 11:47 AM EDT

Ok so I'm not a hundred percent sure how DBs work in regards to having evasion and not. The wiki says that the + on the boots isn't actually the real evasion effect, but the amount of experience in evasion that they confer. I get that, but is it still that way when youre not stacking with the evasion skill? So if I have a pair of DBs at + 50 WITHOUT the evasion skill trained, then is my evasion actually 50?

My next question would be, how do the DBs stack with the evasion granted by unarmed combat? is it an experience stack, or is it just the flat + on the boots? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

ThunderHyde August 25 2016 12:40 PM EDT

There is an easy way to find your answer...

When you fight, look at battle results. The Evasion effect of each minion is indicated near the bottom of the results.

AdminTal Destra August 25 2016 2:27 PM EDT

Not so much Thunderhyde. That shows the after effects of everything at once, including against you from opposing team.

I'm not sure of the formula but most of them are listed in the wiki.

ThunderHyde August 25 2016 10:30 PM EDT

Well, for me, the "Total Evasion" value in the battle results never varies no mater which opponent I fight. So I would imagine the numbers are pretty accurate.
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