Hey (in New players)

Seriously November 13 2016 6:19 PM EST

So uhh is this game dead?

ThunderHyde November 13 2016 6:20 PM EST

It's not dead, but it's not booming either.

Some old time players started coming back in the last few weeks though. Seems like there might be a gradual resurgence on the horizon.

Seriously November 13 2016 6:27 PM EST

I am an old player. Quit maybe 2008 sometime? Lol was bored and decided to see if it was still open. To my surprise it's here. Hopefully I am not banned for multi as I am not multi I just have no idea what my account name was. Email or anything. 8 years is a long time! And I've been through many email changes etc. plus I believe it was an email I used only to play this.. unsure. It may come back to me eventually, but I'm just passing a little time. So please don't ban me! :)

Anyways. I'm doing a sfbm ATM just because it seemed to be cheap and could take me a little ways. Any strat suggestions? Things that have changed since I last played?

ThunderHyde November 13 2016 6:43 PM EST

Well, you will not get banned, especially if you do not remember your old account.

A while back, the admins allowed old payers to start new NUBs at the condition that they create a new account and never use the old one again. So you are ok.

As far as starts go, I think the best advice I would give you is to stay one minion throughout your NUB and accumulate enough $$$ to buy three new big minions at the end.

Your main damage dealer needs to kick serious butt so that is why you need to stay single minon as long as possible. Players still use the sfbm with a ROBF or a single ToA archer. Those look like they are still the best single minion options.

Seriously November 13 2016 6:45 PM EST

I actually was just reading that. I really wish I could remember now. was wondering what tat to get. Also, if I remember correctly tats don't work with body armours?

ThunderHyde November 13 2016 6:51 PM EST

Correct: Tats don't work with body armors.

For a tat, I would recommend the ROBF for the extra protection it provides against other mages and the Evasion boost so you can make it harder on archers and tanks to hit you.

Or you could equip a ranged familiar to maxime your damage output and kill other teams more quickly (Steel Familiar, Fire Familiar, or Halidon Familiar).

Seriously November 13 2016 6:51 PM EST

Gonna search forums maybe It'll bring back some memories

ThunderHyde November 13 2016 6:54 PM EST

Use the "Help!" link and look at the tattoos that seem best for you. At the bottom of the help pages, you can usually find links to forum posts with strategy suggestions. Be careful though, although most are good strats, some of them a really bad and are just there because the authors, actually thinking themselves clever, added the links on the page.

Seriously November 13 2016 7:12 PM EST

I found my old account! Is there a way to find the email associated? Maybe I can figure out how to login

Seriously November 13 2016 7:17 PM EST

Ah. I see I had my email private any admins able to help with that?

Seriously November 13 2016 8:02 PM EST

Anyone got some stuff i can buy for now?

Belome(Joel) November 13 2016 9:49 PM EST

If you can get a hold of your old account, then you can transfer all your items and money to the one you're using now! Welcome back!!

Seriously November 13 2016 10:35 PM EST

Im hoping I can! But I'm probably going to run with this strat anyways a few items will help me if I can get them. The money for sure!

Seriously November 13 2016 10:45 PM EST

If anyone's got a set of spellboosters, I got 200k!
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