Question: SoD "+" PR Weight? (in General)

Sniper Honeyviper [HelperOfJoel] August 6 2017 11:11 PM EDT

I was just wondering what the PR Weight of the +'s of an SoD is. I know that your character's PR only increases based on how much "+" your weapon has, but what is the PR weight? Does anybody know?

Sniper Honeyviper [HelperOfJoel] August 7 2017 12:42 AM EDT

I just thought of how I could test it myself, and for my ~300k NW on my +20 SoD my PR only rose by about 3k PR, so the + on an SoD is worth a .01 PR weight, or 1% of the NW of the "+" is added to your PR. Mystery solved! :)

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] August 7 2017 2:34 PM EDT

Why is the power weight on the + anyway?

Sniper Honeyviper [HelperOfJoel] August 7 2017 7:13 PM EDT

I have no idea....

Adminedyit [Superheros] August 8 2017 2:11 PM EDT

the change to pr on + only was put in when the upgrade on the x system was changed
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