Strategy advice wanted.. (in New players)

Xur October 7 2017 6:19 PM EDT

ok so i have questions... DM yes or no i have an MGS if i untrain DM i could reinforce my str dx and hp without sacrificing to much vs mages i think.

what about gear? the ELB is it going to be enough long term or should i consider pumping my morgul. thanks for reading in advance

Sniper Honeyviper [HelperOfJoel] October 7 2017 7:48 PM EDT

From what I've seen you can just focus on pumping up your ELB forever and ignore any melee weapons when using a single ToA minion. Also, I would keep DM at a good level because GA can be VERY painful to deal with if you don't have DM, and almost everybody uses GA. With an ELB and DM your focus will be on massively out-damaging enemy teams, but you should increase your HP enough to keep up with the average damage output of the teams you're planning on facing in the future, so that you can last long enough to deal enough damage to finish them before they finish you.

PS: Your MgS will completely negate your DM as long as its equipped, just making sure you know that. :)

Sir Gohan October 7 2017 8:28 PM EDT

Joel is on point here. The only other thing I would add is investing heavily into displacement boots with single Archer. The exbow is so debilitating to single ToA users that it's not even funny. It's the only way (outside of a massive investment to evasion) to counter the ExBow.

Xur October 7 2017 8:50 PM EDT

yea gohan my DB are + 65 i noticed what you were saying

Old man Poppy October 8 2017 3:23 AM EDT

A single ToA archer is rough without top end equipment. Most of the top 10 exbows are over +200 tohit so you'll need big db's at the upper ranks.

Dex based chance tohit are another matter but with a significant dex advantage of 3:1 for exbows and 5:1 for elbows combined with a AoI you can drop that dex based chance to 0.

DM is a must against most 4 minion teams as most use some combination of AS/GA and I say the bigger the better. 10m cast of DM will take care of most non RoS teams. For nocternal you need to cast for about 25m to negate their GA.

After that damage is king kill them before they get you.
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