armor question (in General)

FireMedic November 2 2017 12:10 AM EDT

Ok so Ive been doing a lot of wiki reading about all the gear for my team and Ive come up with a question that I am hoping you all can give me an answer for. For gear that the wiki doesn't state something like x bonus per + enchantment what is the benefit of increasing the + to ) for example the breastplate of expertise it doesn't say anything about it increasing the % of benefit for increasing the + # unlike say the Elven Hauberk where for every + in increase the dd damage by 2%

Sir Gohan November 2 2017 12:12 AM EDT

The breastplate of expertise gives no bonus based on +, it's a flat bonus regardless. Some items give bonus based on increasing the + and some don't.

Sir Gohan November 2 2017 12:14 AM EDT

I should state that increasing the + on said items such as the BoE does increase AC, just not an enchantment bonus.

FireMedic November 2 2017 12:14 AM EDT

so what is the point of increasing the + for items that don't give a bonus to increasing the +

FireMedic November 2 2017 12:15 AM EDT

ah as I typed the last message you posted the answer to my question. thank you again sir

Sir Gohan November 2 2017 12:17 AM EDT

Items like the BoE give large bonuses for small investment, I assume mostly because you can't wear them with a tattoo equipped. The TSA for instance is very easy to get 50% (+50) strength increase which is unheard of on any other piece of gear.

Old man Poppy November 2 2017 12:50 AM EDT

For your mage i wouldnt waste the money for that little bit of ac, better to add + to those nsc
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