Fireball: A "Powerful" ranged spell (in General)

SalsaOld May 3 2018 8:03 PM EDT

Although Fireballs description imply's that it will get the work done in ranged, I'm finding that it doesn't really come alive until you're well into the ranged rounds. So I constantly ask myself, how do I survive? Some thoughts:

1. Focus on Casters, get rid of DM and go all AMF (no more base decay hits, less magic damage but now you deal with all that AS)

2. Focus on Archers, get rid of DM and go all EC (Less multi hit bow damage)

3. Get a Jiggy

4. Just ride it out, make some money and don't go single minion next time.

What do you guys think? Maybe some other ideas?

Blunder May 3 2018 10:42 PM EDT

To fight archers, get a bigger DB.
You can transition to an RoBF to take on other DD teams. The extra evasion will help as well against physical attackers.
If you need more damage, then another FF is the way to go, at higher levels it could triple your damage output.
Unfortunately SFBM will always be weak to durable teams with decay. AMF helps, but then you will lose heavily to teams with GA without DM, so you have to make a compromise there and check what the other top players are running.
A Jiggy strategy could be fun and unique, though. It might be worth checking out if you give a lot of thought into it!
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