Does the Shield of Capacity Always Hit? (in General)

Blunder May 17 2018 7:02 PM EDT

Does the shield of capacity have a guarantee of hitting after storing up damage? (regardless of your dex and weapon cth/pth calculation) I’m sure I have lost to teams using it in the past that could not hit my minion except for SoC flashes. Or maybe I’m just delusional right now. Could anyone that has tested the SoC confirm this hunch of mine?

The old one May 18 2018 2:17 AM EDT

No you have to be able to hit with your weapon either with Dex or Pth.
Terami is the minion with the SoC. In this fight he has negative dex and base Pth

Nicho's Cone of Cold hit The One Who Dies First [342,434]
The One Who Dies First regenerated 45,338 HP

Terami mistimed his attack at The One Who Dies First
Nicho's Cone of Cold hit The One Who Dies First [358,277]
The One Who Dies First regenerated 45,338 HP

Terami stumbled swinging at The One Who Dies First
Nicho's Cone of Cold hit The One Who Dies First [260,277]
The One Who Dies First regenerated 45,338 HP

Terami swung wildly at The One Who Dies First
Nicho's Cone of Cold hit The One Who Dies First [266,536]
The One Who Dies First regenerated 45,338 HP

Terami's shield flashes! [56,043]
Terami pounded The One Who Dies First [44,259]
Terami draws strength from his weapon! [8851]
Nicho's Cone of Cold hit The One Who Dies First [387,073]

The old one May 18 2018 2:29 AM EDT

Here is more damage with .3 of bloodlust trained and I added pl so my GA wouldn't kill him in ranged and he could get a round of melee hits in.

Terami's shield flashes! [192,214]
Terami crunched The One Who Dies First [265,672]

Blunder May 18 2018 4:12 AM EDT

I see thanks. I thought it was bugged. With negative str and base damage weapon will you still be able to deal damage with the shield flash? (saying the reflected damage isnt modified by your own ability to deal damage)

Ser Gohan May 18 2018 9:35 AM EDT

Yes you will still deal damage when the shield flashes with negative str. Negative str is technically a myth, the game sees negative str as 0 str. So in essence you will always deal back the portion of "saved" damage, assuming you can hit your target, regardless of what your str is. Str and BL modify the damage from there I believe.
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