Use third party chat? (in Off-topic)

robjam August 5 2020 9:10 PM EDT

Seeing as how built-in chat will probably not be fixed anytime soon (java applets were killed by Google ~5 years ago), I made a discord server for everyone to join in on.

AbominationWorm(Joel) [Abomination of Desolation] August 5 2020 9:32 PM EDT

I've joined! Just waiting on the rest of the guys!!

Adminedyit [Superheros] August 8 2020 9:07 AM EDT

says the link is invalid, anyone got a new one?

Redemption [Axis of Evil] August 9 2020 2:16 AM EDT

AbominationWorm(Joel) [Abomination of Desolation] August 9 2020 2:17 AM EDT

Here you go! This one won't expired!
Buffer Text Buffer Text Buffer Text Buffer Text Buffer Text

robjam August 10 2020 4:53 AM EDT

Thanks Redemption and Joel!
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