Tourney Starting Sunday 3/20 (in Contests)

AdminTal Destra March 19 2022 5:56 PM EDT

Giving about 24 hour heads up for a 3 day tourney... ill let yall figure out what ive done.

highest MPR wins, 3 minion characters only, we'll see if you got what it takes

Mezla March 19 2022 9:48 PM EDT


Team Avatar [Porthcawl] March 21 2022 12:35 PM EDT

Anyone going to catch me? 15,000 BA to burn, I'm only 10% of the way through it myself.

Angel of Death [Hell Blenders] March 21 2022 12:55 PM EDT

what do you win?

AdminTal Destra March 21 2022 1:18 PM EDT

I have access to a bunch of items, winner can pretty much name any item. if we get a bunch of players then we'll have 2nd win something and 1st get 2 items.

Angel of Death [Hell Blenders] March 22 2022 8:52 AM EDT

ill pass on the items, got a crapload already

Team Avatar [Porthcawl] March 23 2022 9:24 PM EDT

If I managed to follow the rules and win, do you have an Amulet of Focus or the ability to fix the PayPal so I can buy one?

AdminTal Destra March 24 2022 1:12 AM EDT

I found exactly one AoF. Congratulations Avatar.

TourneyPrizes (TourneyPrizes) The Avatar (Trainee Aang) An Amulet of Focus ($7080) -- WINNER! 1:11 AM EDT

IIKlutzyKatII [KlawedBellows] March 24 2022 3:41 AM EDT

Nice job Avatar!

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] March 24 2022 10:31 AM EDT

Congrats on the win. Was a fun tourney.

Team Avatar [Porthcawl] March 24 2022 12:05 PM EDT

Woo-hoo! Now I have an AoF so Law's EC can crush my UC minion even more, hah! Going to have to swap gear for sure to compete at endgame.
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