A Rocket Story (in General)

Jomsvikings October 15 2022 5:30 PM EDT

I was 11 years old when I first went to Space Camp. It was warm, very warm. And it was very Florida. I was 15 went I went to the Alabama Space Camp in Huntsville with all my classmates. In the first experience I got to see the Hubble Space Telescope go into space. 1992. In the second, there was a witness of a generation coming of age. The winter comes again, and CB lives on!

Jomsvikings October 15 2022 5:40 PM EDT

I'm steady everyday, because I was trained by astronauts..haha!

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 15 2022 5:58 PM EDT

Space campers > store campers

Jomsvikings October 15 2022 8:32 PM EDT

Just making camp, Long way to the top. :)
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