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Posts by Demigod
(New players) 1 post to Intro at Mar 11 2010
(Contests) 3 posts to Create the New Supporter Item! by Mar 11 2010
(General) 2 posts to Notes! by Mar 11 2010
(Off-topic) 1 post to Finally, I can sleep nights. at Mar 10 2010
(Off-topic) 3 posts to Alice in Wonderland @ Imax 3d by Mar 10 2010
(General) 1 post to since we have a council now... at Mar 10 2010
(Public Record) 2 posts to The Carnage Player Council by Mar 10 2010
(Off-topic) 1 post to Awesomely hilarious chart of the week! at Mar 10 2010
(Contests) 1 post to Fix the stupid NW contest (Attn Mian) at Mar 10 2010
(Contests) 4 posts to Woot! by Mar 9 2010
(General) 3 posts to Goodbye CB by Mar 9 2010
(Off-topic) 2 posts to My mom.... by Mar 9 2010
(General) 2 posts to CPC Idea Thread by Mar 9 2010
(Links) created Greatest Game Ever at Mar 9 2010
(General) 4 posts to What's going on with the history graphs? by Mar 9 2010
(General) 5 posts to Only read if you're a friend - Buying BA and You by Mar 9 2010
(Off-topic) 2 posts to Some advice sought - real life girl troubles by Mar 8 2010
(Links) created I don't know why I'm posting this... at Mar 8 2010
(Contests) 4 posts to Short riddle contest 50K a pop! by Mar 8 2010
(Changelog) 2 posts to Spawn randomization adjusted by Mar 8 2010
(Off-topic) 1 post to Can't play Assassin's Creed 2 at Mar 8 2010
(General) 2 posts to Single Minions, the red haired step childs. ;) by Mar 8 2010
(New players) 2 posts to Introduction by Mar 7 2010
(Links) 1 post to Blender Defender! at Mar 5 2010
(New players) 1 post to Hello at Mar 4 2010
(Links) created Hubble Ultra Deep Space at Mar 4 2010
(Off-topic) 1 post to Congrats me! at Mar 4 2010
(General) 1 post to Not bad... at Mar 4 2010
(General) 1 post to T-Store awesomeness... at Mar 4 2010
(Links) created Best Browser Tests at Mar 4 2010
(General) 3 posts to Bot Checks by Mar 4 2010
(Off-topic) 1 post to Chickenpox at Mar 3 2010
(Off-topic) 2 posts to I just completed Bioshock 2... by Mar 2 2010
(Debates) 1 post to ExBow Drain Change at Mar 2 2010
(Links) created Booze + Bubbles = Less Pain at Mar 2 2010
(Contests) 2 posts to Best Caption Contest by Mar 2 2010
(Debates) 1 post to User Poll: Chat? at Mar 1 2010
(General) 1 post to seven year itch at Mar 1 2010
(Off-topic) 1 post to Time off at Mar 1 2010
(General) 1 post to Armor effectiveness and the wiki at Mar 1 2010