For quite a while I've been bothered by inactive clans. They do nothing, nothing good or nothing bad, but they clutter our lovely land of CBness and don't do anything good. So I'm wondering, should we (I mean I) remove them or not? note: here also is no 'I don't care' option. Don't care = don't vote.

Total of 128 votes

Yes please, free us from inactiveness 77.3
No, thanks I like to have to search through uselessness 22.7


First, again.

Yay, again.

-- Marlfox

Why not comment

Yeah free us

-- Canibus

I hate polls

-- Admiralkiller

We need inactive clans

We need the inactive clans because they are the only reason people get a clan bonus. Without them only the top 5 clans would get a bonus really.

-- AdminNemesia


Without these inactive clans, there is no reason to stay in a clan.

-- Almaisky

voted to Rid of them, but...

They're good for NCB clan members. Starting out, inactive clan members are [mostly] low MPR characters, but they *are* in clans, so at least the NCB gets 2 instead of 1 CPs.

-- smallpau1 - Go Blues

Oui, part deux.

The real problem is how clans are almost 100% required in order to make it to the highest tier...and they are not about competitiveness, but pure CP grinding. It would indeed be tougher to clan-fight effectively without the inactives would be tougher for everyone. Clans should not be where you go if you want easy mode. They should provide a challenge.

-- Eurynome Bartleby

Delete Them

I don't think there is that big a need for some of these low mpr inactive clans. They just give more people a bonus. If you want a bonus then earn it. Don't get it because there are hundreds of inactive clans still on the boards.

-- Soxjr

the more clans the better, just leave it the heck alone! what were you thinking?

-- Admindudemus

moar clans sux.

I'd rather see active clans fighting it out than people leeching off weak inactive ones.

Not to mention you have to search through 100 fake clans if you actually want to join a particular clan.

And those of you saying "we need inactive clans!!!1!" keep in mind that with fewer clans, there wouldn't be so much of a bonus spread, so each active clan would end up receiving a higher bonus.

Get rid of them, they're a waste of space.

-- QBOddBird

There wouldn't be a bonus spread. There would be a bonus loss. All of these clans who are currently getting a bonus would no longer. The only way a clan would have any hope at all of seeing a bonus is if they are completely full with either very low characters or very strong ones who can't get farmed much and all are fighting very competitively for clan points. Otherwise you might as well leave your clan, because you will never see a clan bonus.

-- AdminNemesia

No thanks

Have you seen monday mornings (after cache flush), you can be coming 7th and get a 2% bonus. I don't want that happening. Not many leech off these clans, but I like it there cos a bonus is given on the top 15% of clans.

-- Flamey

Define your definition of inactive.

-- Burton

How do clans work, again?

"All of these clans who are currently getting a bonus would no longer. The only way a clan would have any hope at all of seeing a bonus is if they are completely full with either very low characters or very strong ones who can't get farmed much and all are fighting very competitively for clan points. Otherwise you might as well leave your clan, because you will never see a clan bonus."
Isn't this exactly what clans are supposed to do?

I find it stupid that you have to be in 4th or 5th place in order to have your clan bonus drop below 14%. Really, what's the point in clan competition, then? So I can get an extra fifth of a percent bonus to my rewards? Should I fight REALLY hard so that I can get nearly a half-percent boost? And then there are all the singleton clans out there getting 10.8% bonuses simply by being in 28th place with a net score of 450, meaning that the competitive, top-notch clans are really only getting about 4% of a bonus to fight rewards, since the first 10-11% is expected as standard.

-- Colonel Custard

It is quite a bit harder to get to 10-11% than you think. We often get upwards of 3k+ clan points and still only end out with an 8% clan bonus.

-- AdminNemesia

I don't care because i hate polls.

-- Admiralkiller