Battles as Challenger
T4 Frost (4000)
[T-4]Beemer (4000)
Pilot (4000)
horseguy[TourneyIII] (4000)
spankorama (4000)
T4Gig (4000)
CrimsonWraith (4000)
RedExSlayer[T] (3999)
T4 Jalal Sayad (3987)
[T4] spoon (3930)
The Ripper (3840)
T4Chaos (3822)
ChaosUK3 (3773)
[T-4] Last Chance (3710)
Gears Tourney 4 (3396)
T4-Test (3244)
Last Place T4 (3100)
Not Superman (2993)
T4 Belg (2868)
4Cherub (2605)
freddy (2182)
Tenth of Eleven (2156)
[T4]Hatchetman (2090)
TourneyWinner (1885)
TC4 (1475)
DefiantOne (1471)
tornangel4 (1428)
AoD-tourney (1400)
ediot4 (1369)
[T4]tourny (1319)
Johnnywas Tourney (1275)
Spizzy the Spazoid (1210)
punxontheprowl[T4] (1118)
FantaT4 (1103)
tourneybob (1073)
rot (1030)
T4 (1020)
[D]The Slug (1011)
Huis [T-4] (1011)
Rasengan (963)
Golwin (731)
T4 Practice drone 01 (622)
Willum (502)
red drag (386)
Quick Tester (373)
Kung Fu (322)
Makheth (247)
lolololalalala (246)
ABCDE (197)
Blackout (184)
Tigah Tourney 4 (152)
T4 Practice Drone 02 (121)
Take1 (84)
deaths warriors (77)
ChaosUK4 (51)
T4 Gaza is Back (36)
ChaosUK.2 (25)
ChaosUK (8)